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高志刚 《法学论坛》2022,37(1):97-108
在全面依法治国的时代背景下,司法改革的推进需要在实践理性的指导下,通过新的方法论体系来予以重新解读和把握。当下司法改革的方法论面临价值理性缺失、工具理性误区和理论范式失衡的现实困境,需要在问题导向的基础上,借鉴和利用多种社会科学方法,透过多种视角探讨如何认识改革、如何推进改革、如何评价改革,在实践建构中实现方法体系的反思性整合。以"制度化的社会回应型司法"为基本目标,协调价值理性与工具理性的冲突,统合国家治理的实践逻辑与法治的价值逻辑,统筹推进司法制度的改革和构建。  相似文献   
动产所有权让与中的交付,又称动产所有权出让或转让中的占有的移转,其既为动产所有权让与的公示方法,也通常为动产所有权让与发生物权变动效力的要件,类型上涵括现实交付、观念交付及其他特殊形态的交付。我国民法典物权编对于此等交付的厘定(规定)较为简略或存有阙如,宜结合域外立法成例、法理或学理而予阐释、厘清及释明。透过如是的工作和努力,期冀可以建构起我国动产所有权让与中交付规则或制度的解释论("注释论""评注论")系统,由此使这一规则或制度可裨益于我国的社会生活与经济实践,并进而发挥其具有的积极功用与价值。  相似文献   
作为预告登记的一个子类型,按照法教义学的逻辑推演,抵押预告登记并不产生优先受偿效力。但该制度的创设目的在于满足商品房预售交易中当事人的担保需求,若抵押预告登记权利人最终无法实现优先受偿权,这一制度将难以发挥其应有的作用,最终沦为具文。当符合已办理建筑物所有权首次登记且预告登记未失效等条件时,抵押预告登记转本登记的实质条件已满足,允许抵押预告登记权利人直接行使优先受偿权并不违反物权法基本原理。虽然《民法典担保制度解释》最终未对强制执行程序中抵押预告登记的效力作出规定,但不妨碍预告登记权利人依照该司法解释第52条第1款的规定行使优先受偿权。在破产程序中,抵押预告登记权利人行使优先受偿权无须以已办理建筑物所有权首次登记为前提,优先受偿的范围也不应限制在人民法院受理破产申请时抵押财产的价值范围内。  相似文献   
Gottfredson and Hirschi’s General Theory of Crime (GTC) has been one of the most cited and tested theories in criminology. It posits to be in effect transcultural in its application and relevant for any norm-violating behaviors. As most empirical work has been completed in English speaking countries, the current study tested some of the main theoretical postulates in a sample of 214 Argentinean male adolescents, both offenders and non-offenders. More specifically, it tested the relationships between parental practices, self-control, criminal opportunities, and deviance. Findings provide evidence that offenders reported more deviant behaviors and more risk factors than non-offenders. They also provide partial empirical support for the main theoretical propositions. Maternal closeness, support. and monitoring had different effects on self-control and on deviance; both low self-control and opportunities had direct effects of deviant behaviors. Theoretical, research, and practical implications of study findings are discussed.  相似文献   
In response to research demonstrating that irrelevant contextual information can bias forensic science analyses, authorities have increasingly urged laboratories to limit analysts' access to irrelevant and potentially biasing information (Dror and Cole (2010) [3]; National Academy of Sciences (2009) [18]; President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (2016) [22]; UK Forensic Science Regulator (2015) [26]). However, a great challenge in implementing this reform is determining which information is task-relevant and which is task-irrelevant. In the current study, we surveyed 183 forensic analysts to examine what they consider relevant versus irrelevant in their forensic analyses. Results revealed that analysts generally do not regard information regarding the suspect or victim as essential to their analytic tasks. However, there was significant variability among analysts within and between disciplines. Findings suggest that forensic science disciplines need to agree on what they regard as task-relevant before context management procedures can be properly implemented. The lack of consensus about what is relevant information not only leaves room for biasing information, but also reveals foundational gaps in what analysts consider crucial in forensic decision making.  相似文献   
党的十八大以来,习近平同志反复强调:“中国共产党的领导是中国特色社会主义最本质的特 征。”“坚持党的领导”作为习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的重要内容之一,有着重要指导意义,为新 时代工运事业指明了方向。工会为什么要坚持党的领导,可以从理论、历史和现实三个视角加以考察分析;工 会怎样坚持党的领导,则需要辩证地处理好坚持党对工会的领导与工会独立自主地开展工作之间的关系,处理 好工会组织“公转”与“自转”的关系。  相似文献   
基层治,则天下安。在新型城镇化纵深推进大背景下,对流动人口住处的疏解整治成为解决"大城市病"的必要手段,但实践中拆迁整治引发了"堰塞湖效应","堰塞湖效应"使得流动人口流入地社区演变成"堰塞湖"型社区。对此类社区的治安管理应革新以往防范式治安管理模式,有针对性地构建社区治安问题"审视→分析→反应→评估"的治安管理模式,根据"堰塞湖"型社区治安问题产生的原因及管理困境,形成一套从宏观到微观的逻辑严谨、运行有序的治安管理体系。具体可从树立"善治"和"共治"治安管理理念、促进流动人口社区融合和社区治安资源整合等方面入手解决"堰塞湖"型社区治安问题,以维护社区安全稳定。  相似文献   
目的推导祖孙双单亲比对的匹配概率(PMGDS)公式,并以随机模拟法进行验证。方法首先,根据定义推导PMGDS的数学公式,依据此公式在19个基因座上计算PMGDS的数值。其次,以随机模拟法设计实验,在19个基因座上计算PMGDS的模拟值。最后,以模拟值对比公式值的方式,对公式进行实验验证。结果研究获得了PMGDS的数学公式,经模拟实验验证显示出良好的符合。结论祖孙双单亲比对的错判概率较低,具有很好的应用价值。  相似文献   
设立法官惩戒委员会,并由该委员会对法官履职是否构成违法审判提供专业意见,是完善法官惩戒制度的重要内容和制度创新。对法官惩戒委员会的定位与职能,学界的建议与实际的制度建构并不完全一致。各地在设立法官惩戒委员会的过程中,因对其法律地位的理解不深、不透甚至存在偏差,导致其处于“无功能”的状态。作为一个全新的制度设计,在有域外先例可供借鉴的情况下,吸收其有益经验,再根据中国现实国情来建构,是制度建设的有效途径。当前,应根据修订后的我国《法官法》对法官惩戒委员会的相关规定,在明确法官惩戒委员会法律地位的基础上,在设立主体、委员构成、设立模式上下功夫,并做好与其他职能部门的衔接工作,确保法官惩戒委员会依法建构并保证制度得以顺利运行。  相似文献   
The evidence of regional authoritarian clustering across different world regions goes together with the finding that after the end of the bipolar world regional patterns of interaction became more important. Especially in the 2000s a process of revitalisation of regional organisations and even the creation of new regional organisations took place. Interestingly, these newly founded organisations consist predominantly of authoritarian regimes. Due to the emergence and resilience of authoritarianism in the world, the question arises: To what extent do regional organisations (ROs) play a role in this phenomenon? We argue that authoritarian protagonists which we call authoritarian gravity centres (AGCs) constitute a force of attraction for countries in geopolitical proximity – and use ROs as a transmission belt and a learning room for disseminating autocratic elements. In a cross-regional comparison, based on extensive field work, we provide empirical analysis on two AGCs (Saudi Arabia and Venezuela) within their respective ROs Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America (ALBA-TCP) and tackle the questions of why and how autocracies decide to move forward multilaterally within the RO.  相似文献   
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